doctors & hospitals in Phnom Penh
Though most medical facilities are not up to international
standards, several new international clinics have
opened in recent years, offering higher quality care.
Calmette Hospital and the international clinics can handle
most medical problems but serious illness or injury
may still require medical evacuation, probably to
Bangkok or Singapore. In addition to general medical
services, the international clinics also offer evacuation
and medical translation services. Though the cost of
medical care is fairly nominal in Cambodia, the cost of
medical evacuation is exorbitant. Medical insurance
including evacuation insurance is highly advisable.
In case of medical emergency, proceed to one of the
major international clinics/hospitals such as
International SOS or Royal Phnom Penh Hospital or the
main hospital (Calmette Hospital). Sun International
Clinic has Japanese doctors and medical care.
Be aware that the ambulance services are not always
prompt and the public emergency telephone numbers
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