If you are looking for the Money Exchange shop in Siem Reap?
Please find HUY KEANG Money exchange shop (red sign with gold lettering) on Sivatha Boulevard, opposite the hotel "Terrasse des Elephants".
We would recommend you to exchange a small amount of money before you arrive in Cambodia because it is easy for you to pay for visa on arrival (tourist visa $ 35 / person), to pay for transport from airport or bus station by taxi or Tuk Tuk to your accommodation, it will cost you only few dollars it is depend on location of your accommodation. You should arrange some cash with small bill with you while you arrive late at night, because most of Exchange Shops are close at night from 8 pm.
We would recommend you to exchange money in Exchange shop in city, because you will get better rate than the banks.
You will find Money Exchange shop available every many where around Siem Reap City, Please ask driver of your taxi or Tuk Tuk to find these shops.
Always check the rate of the day and when you arrive at the counter, ask them the current rate of the day, if it seems good.
To give you an example of the exchange where I am going, these take one or two points at the market price. If the official rate is $ 1.14 for 1 euro, the exchange office will give me 1.13 $ or 1.12 $ for 1 euro.
When you are in Cambodia, it is not obligation to exchange your currency to riels (Cambodia currency), but when you buy something in the supper market you will see the price in US dollar.
Example : you want to pay a coffee at $ 1.50, you give $ 2 and you will be given 2000 riels (2000 riels = $ 0.50).
Paying in riels is interesting when you go to small local markets to buy fruit for example and power (sometimes) to negotiate.
Both currencies are accepted everywhere.
When making the change in euros, always make sure to ask for small denominations (much easier), make sure that your notes are not torn or worn too much on the center of the note, tickets for $ 2 because a lot of people here refuse them (while others are looking for them sometimes).
It should be noted that the majority of shops, gargotes, merchants etc. are based on:
4000 riels = 1 $ (a beer in a restaurant)
2000 riels = 0.50 $ (a big bottle of water)
1000 riels = 0.25 $ (a pineapple cut and cleaned)
500 riels = 0.12 $ (a banana donut)