Transport from Phnom Penh
PHNOM PENH - SIEM REAP (314km by road N ° 6):
GIANT IBIS BUS : is very good service , more luxurious and faster but the price is much more expensive than other bus companies.
Departure times: 8h45 - 9h45 - 12h30.
Journey time: + -6h.
Price: $ 15 / person.
GIANT IBIS (Sleeping Bus) : Company provide very good service, more comfortable and rapid but the price is more expensive.
Departure times: 22:30 - 23:00 and 23:30: the price is $ 15 / person. You will arrive around 6:00 am in Siem Reap.
MEKONG EXPRESS : Good Company provide good service to costumers, a little faster.
Departure times: 7:30 am - 8:30 am - 12:30 pm and 2:25 pm. Journey time: + -6h.
Price: $ 13 / person.
CAPITOL : Simple Bus company, cheap price (it takes + -1h more trip with this company).
Departure times: 6:30 am - 7:30 am - 8:30 am - 10:15 am - noon - 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm and 5:30 pm. Journey time: + - 8 hours.
Price: $ 6 / person.
SORYA : Regular company, good price simple bus company (it takes + -1h more trip with this company).
Departure time: 7:00 - 8:00 - 9:00 - 10:00 - 11:00 - 12:00 - 13:00 - 14:00 - 15:00 and 16:45. Journey time: + -8h.
Price: + -7 $ / person.
-Most of these buses stop at Kampong Thom or a bit before or after.-These buses leave you at one of the two bus stations in Siem Reap (one next to the other), sometimes at the same depot of the bus company.
-The price of a tuk tuk up to your guesthouse / hotel from the bus station will be + -5 $. (For info, it is always best to ask for the price before getting into the tuk tuk).
-Make sure you have the address of the place where you will be staying (address + phone + map where the hotel / guesthouse is located if you are able to print one before leaving).
You also have the option of chose a taxi or a mini van that will be a little faster.
You order your taxi the day before your accommodation.
Price of a private taxi: + -75 $
You can also chose the boat trip, it is longer and you will cross a large Lake Tonle (which looks a bit like a sea seen its size). Departure time: 6:30 am. Travel time: + -7h-8h (depending on the water level).
Price: $ 35 / person. For the purchase of the ticket, you should go to a local agency, these are many ticket seller office in Phnom Penh or Siem Reap.
PHNOM PENH - BATTAMBANG (291km by road N ° 5) :
MEKONG EXPRESS : Good company with good service on board, a little faster.
Departure times: 5:30am - 6:20am - 7:30 am - 8:30 am - 1:30pm and 11:30 pm. Journey time: + - 6h
Price: $ 12 / person
(Mekong Express Bus Company: Journey from Battambang - Phnom Penh:
departure time: 7h00 - 8h30 - 9h30 - 11h00 - 14h30 and 17h00.)
CAPITOL : Regular and simple bus company, good price but slower (it takes + -1h more trip with this company).
Departure times: 7:00 - 8:00 - 9:00 - 10:30 - 11:30 - 12:30 - 13:00 - 14:00and 15:00. Journey time + - 7h
Price: $ 6 / person.
For private taxi is very simple and easy, you can book a taxi one day before you check out from your accommodation, for pick up time you can talk with taxi driver. they will come to pick you up what time ever you want.
Price of a private taxi: + -75 $
Possibility to take a mini van sharing, inquire in Phnom Penh but be careful not to make the journey piled up which is not nice.
MEKONG EXPRESS : Good Company provide good service to costumers, a little faster.
Departure times: 5:30 am - 6:20 am - 7:30 am - 8:30 am and 11:30 pm.
Price: $ 14 / person
(Mekong Express bus company: Bus leave from Banteay Meanchey to Phnom Penh route: departure time: 7:30 am - 8:30 am - 10:00 am - 1:30 pm and 4:00 pm.)
PHNOM PENH - SIHANOUKVILLE (230Km by road N ° 4)
GIANT IBIS: is very good service , more luxurious and faster but the price is much more expensive than other bus companies.
Departure times: 8h00, 9h30 and 12h30.
Price: $ 11 / person.
Giant Ibis Bus company: Sihanoukville - Phnom Penh: Departure times: 7:30 am - 9:30 am - 1:30 pm).
MEKONG EXPRESS : Company with good service on board, a little faster.
Departure times: 7 am - 8 am - 8:30 am - 1:30 pm and 5 pm. Duration of the journey + -5h
Price: $ 12 / person.
(Mekong Express bus: Sihanoukville - Phnom Penh: Departure times: 7 am - 8:30 am - 9:30 am - 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm and 5 pm)
CAPITOL : Regular company, cheaper but slower (it takes + -1h more trip with this company).
Departure times: 7:15 am - 8:45 am - 9:45 am - 11:15 am - 12:15 pm - 1:30 pm and 2:30 pm. Duration of journey = + -6h
Price: $ 6 / person.
SORYA : Regular company, cheaper but slower (it takes + -1h more trip with this company).
Departure times: 7 am - 8 am - 9 am - 10 am - 11 am - noon - 1 pm - 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm and 5:45 pm. Duration of the journey + -6h
Price: + -6 $ / person.
For private taxi is very simple and easy, you can book a taxi one day before you check out from your accommodation, for pick up time you can talk with taxi driver. they will come to pick you up what time ever you want.
Price of a private taxi: $ 65.
BY TRAIN (with stop at Takéo and Kampot)
PHNOM PENH - KAMPOT (148km by road N ° 3):
GIANT IBIS: is very good service , more luxurious and faster but the price is much more expensive than other bus companies.
The journey will be by mini bus. Duration of the journey + -3.30.
Departure times: 8:00 am and 2:45 pm.
Price: $ 10 / person.
(With Giant Ibis bus company: Leave from Kampot to Phnom Penh: Departure times: 8h30 and 14h45).
CAPITOL : Regular company, good price but (it takes + -1h more trip with this company).
Departure times: 7 am and 1 pm. Journey time: +4h
Price: $ 5 / person.
SORYA : Regular company, good price simple bus company (it takes + -1h more trip with this company).
Departure times: 7:30 am - 9:30 am and 2:30 pm. Journey time: +4h
Price: + -6 $ / person.
For private taxi is very simple and easy, you can book a taxi one day before you check out from your accommodation, for pick up time you can talk with taxi driver. they will come to pick you up what time ever you want.
Price of a private taxi: + -55 $.
PHNOM PENH - POIPET (Road N ° 5 and 6):
MEKONG EXPRESS : Good Company provide good service to costumers, a little faster. journey time + -8h
Departure times: 5:30 am - 6:20 am - 7:30 am and 11:30 pm.
Price: $ 16 / person.
Mekong Express: Leave from Poipet - Phnom Penh: Departure times: 7:30 am - 9 am - 12:30 pm and 8 pm)
CAPITOL : Regular company, good price but (it takes + -1h more trip with this company).
Departure times: 06:30 - 08:00 - 10:00 and 12:30. Journey time: + -9h
Price: $ 10 / person.
SORYA : Regular company, good price simple bus company (it takes + -1h more trip with this company).
Departure times: 06:30 - 08:00 - 10:00 and 12:00. Journey time: + -9h
Price: + -11 $ / person.
For private taxi is very simple and easy, you can book a taxi one day before you check out from your accommodation, for pick up time you can talk with taxi driver. they will come to pick you up what time ever you want.
Price of a private taxi: $ 120.
PHNOM PENH - KAMPONG CHAM (124km by road N ° 6 and 7):
CAPITOL : Regular company, good price but (it takes + -1h more trip with this company).
Departure times: 08:15 and 14:00. Journey time: + -3h
Price: $ 5 / person.
SORYA : Regular company, good price simple bus company (it takes + -1h more trip with this company).
Departure times: 06:45 - 07:00 - 07:15 - 07:45 - 08:30 - 10:30 - 12:45 and 14:45. Journey time: + -3h
Price: + -6 $ / person.
For private taxi is very simple and easy, you can book a taxi one day before you check out from your accommodation, for pick up time you can talk with taxi driver. they will come to pick you up what time ever you want.
Price of a private taxi: $ 55.
PHNOM PENH - KRATIE (340km by road N ° 7):
SORYA : Regular company, good price simple bus company (it takes + -1h more trip with this company).
Departure times: 7 am - 7:15 am and 10:45 am. Travel time: + -7h.
Price: I do not have the exact price yet but it must be: + - 7 or 8 $ / person.
For private taxi is very simple and easy, you can book a taxi one day before you check out from your accommodation, for pick up time you can talk with taxi driver. they will come to pick you up what time ever you want.
Price of a private taxi: $ 70.
PHNOM PENH - STUNG TRENG (481km by road 7):
SORYA : Regular company, good price simple bus company (it takes + -1h more trip with this company).
Departure times: 6:45 am - 7:15 am and 10:30 am. Duration of the journey: + -9h - 10h.
Price: $ 11 / person.
GIANT IBIS: is very good service , more luxurious and faster but the price is much more expensive than other bus companies.
Departure times: 8h00 (travel time + - 7h).
Price: $ 18 / person
(Giant Ibis Bus: Ho Chi Minh - Phnom Penh: Departure: 8:30 am)
MEKONG EXPRESS: Good Company provide good service to costumers, a little faster.
Departure times: 6:30 am - 3:30 pm (travel time + -7h).
Price: $ 15 / person.
(With Mekong Express: way Ho Chi Minh - Phnom Penh: Departure times: 6:30 - 15:30.)
CAPITOL: Regular company, good price but (it takes + -1h more trip with this company).
Departure times: 06:45 - 08:00 and 13:30. it is necessary to count + -6.30 of way.
Price: $ 10 / person.
SORYA: Regular company, good price simple bus company (it takes + -1h more trip with this company).
Departure times: 06:45 - 07:45 - 08:45 - 11:45 - 15:00 and 16:45 (duration of the journey + -7h).
Price: $ 12 / person.
The journey from Phnom Penh to Ho Chi Minh (Phnom Penh - Bavette - Ho Chi Min with taxi change at the border).
For private taxi is very simple and easy, you can book a taxi one day before you check out from your accommodation, for pick up time you can talk with taxi driver. they will come to pick you up what time ever you want.
Price: + -100 $
CAPITOL: Regular company.
Departure times: 08h30 (Express Boat) + -5h drive.
Price: $ 23 / person.
MEKONG TOUR: Vietnamese company.
Departure times: 08h00 (Low Boat) + - 7h journey.
Price: $ 10 / person.
MEKONG TOUR: Vietnamese company.
Departure times: 08h30 (Express Boat) + - 4h of journey.
Price: $ 26 / person.
NATTAKAN: Very good company for this trip, the one I highly recommend.
Departure times: 6 am (Travel time: 1 day).
Price: $ 26 / person.
(Nattakan company: For the trip from Bangkok to Phnom Penh: Departure times: 5h00)
MEKONG EXPRESS : Good Company provide good service to costumers, a little faster.
Departure times: 5:30 am - 6:20 am - 7:30 am and 11:30 pm.
Price: $ 25 / person
(With the Mekong Express company: Leave from Bangkok to Phnom Penh route: departure time: 2h00 - 4h00 - 6h00 - 9h00 et 10h00.)
please clicking on the links bellow you will have all the schedules:
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